
The Charles & Agnes Kazarian Foundation’s (Kazarian Foundation) core competency is to improve Government Financial Performance (GFP) and Government Total Balance Sheet (GTBS) literacy.

The Kazarian Foundation educates both key stakeholders and citizens on the importance of GFP and GTBS literacy through conferences, presentations, communications, articles, master classes, and white papers.

“The Kazarian Foundation cares about Government Financial Performance because government financial decisions directly affect the probability of debt, currency, and financial crises, which have a disproportionally large impact on society’s most financially vulnerable.

The Kazarian Foundation created the Citizens’ Wealth Framework (CWF) 2023, with 12 KPIs that provide a true and fair picture of government financial performance, that is both “a quantum leap in government financial performance management” and “the greatest advance in sovereign risk analysis”.

The Citizens’ Wealth Framework represents a quantifiable improvement over financial debt and cash deficit metrics, and over the focus on a single debt number.  Citizens’ Wealth includes all government assets and all government debts (the Government Total Balance Sheet – GTBS), and a government’s GDP.  Citizens’ Wealth 12 KPIs provide insights into government financial performance and position, and the relationship to GDP for both single government historical benchmarking and peer government benchmarking.

The Kazarian Foundation’s spending since its founding plus year-end 2023 assets is over a quarter-billion US dollars (US$295 million).  Year-end 2023 assets were $210 million.

The Kazarian Foundation has three guiding principles:
1. empower great aspirations in the whole human family;
2. a society is best judged by how it empowers the most disadvantaged;
3. the wisdoms contained in the book New Philanthropy Benchmarking: Wisdom for the Passionate.

The Kazarian Foundation also engages in a wide range of mission-related activities including founding JI-Analytics, co-founding the Kazarian SyCip Fund Zero Dropout Program, and establishing a geographically diverse range of economic development loan programs. The Foundation has a special focus on projects that support Armenian culture, in both the Diaspora and Armenia.

The Kazarian Foundation also engages in mission-related activities including growing JI-Analytics, the world’s best government financial performance benchmarking firm, and supporting a geographically diverse range of economic development programs.  The Foundation has a special focus on projects that support Armenian culture, in both the Diaspora and Armenia. Of great importance, we are committed to improving 4 KPIs of Armenian diaspora Christian faith, especially through producing creative media and teaching sector specific use of benchmarking and best practices.

The Kazarian Foundation is named in recognition of two outstanding Armenian immigrants to the United States of America who both survived, but lost members of their families, during the first genocide of the 20th century, the Armenian Genocide.  Charles Kazarian served with distinction in the French Foreign Legion during World War I as an Armenian Gamavor to show his gratitude to the people of France who welcomed survivors of the Armenian Genocide.  Agnes Kazarian inspired her family and all those blessed to know her with the most valuable Armenian Christian wisdoms.

The Kazarian Foundation is a philanthropic affiliate of Japonica Partners.

Contact Us
The Charles & Agnes
Kazarian Foundation
1629 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 T/ +1 202 449 9600 E/ info@kazarianfoundation.org
The Charles & Agnes Kazarian Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) private operating foundation.